SEMARANG – Diponegoro University (UNDIP) officially marked the operation of Robotic Rehabilitation and Medical Device Innovation Centers at Diponegoro National Hospital by holding a Webinar with the theme “Robotics of Faculty of Medicine Undip for Indonesia”. The event which was held on Sunday (26/9/2021) was also part of a series of events for the 60th Anniversary of Faculty of Medicine Undip.
In his remarks, the Head of Anniversary Committee of Faculty of Medicine Undip, Dr. dr. Yan Wisnu Prajoko, M. kes., Sp.B., Sp.B (K) Onk, said that the use of robotic technology in the world of health as a tool for diagnosis and management of patients is now very important. He explained the use of robotic technology in the fields of neurology, surgery, as well as physical medicine and rehabilitation (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) have developed very rapidly.
According to Wisnu Prajoko, various researches and innovations have been produced to improve the quality of service to patients. Unfortunately, currently robotics and various medical devices in Indonesia, both in terms of products and technology, are still mostly imported from abroad. “In response to this, the Indonesian government encourages Indonesian researchers to develop and produce robotic products on their own, especially for use in the world of medicine and health,” he said.
Therefore, during the webinar, he reiterated the importance of providing information and socialization regarding the development and innovation of robotics research in the medical field, especially those carried out by the Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, in this case is in the fields of surgery and neurology. “With this activity, students and lecturers who take part in the event are expected to innovate and further develop robotics in the world of health. It is also hoped that cross-faculty collaboration at Undip can be realized so that the independence of medical device products in Indonesia can be achieved.”
Meanwhile, the President Director of Diponegoro National Hospital, DR. dr. Sutopo Patria Jati M.M., M.Kes, said that he was grateful for the new facilities that were inaugurated, namely Robotic Rehabilitation and Medical Device Innovation Centers. According to him, the facilities are the result of collaboration between Faculty of Engineering Undip, Faculty of Medicine Undip and Diponegoro National Hospital.
“This is the first step to anticipate challenges in the era of disruption 4.0, and also to target opportunities for future development. The need for the development of upgraded technology is needed by many patients and the development that we made is extraordinary,” explained Patria Jati.
The Rector of Diponegoro University represented by the Vice Chancellor III, Dwi Cahyo Utomo SE., MA., PhD., said that during this period Undip was entering a new stage of progress. Undip has made many achievements in these days. For example, Undip graduates are assessed and recognized internationally as the fastest to be accepted in the job market other than other universities’ graduates in Indonesia.
“This is a quite great achievement for us, as well as a challenge for the entire Undip academic community to continue developing their competencies and quality works at Diponegoro University,” said Dwi Cahyo Utomo.
He further emphasized that this achievement is a sign so that all parties in Undip will work harder. In the world of robotics, Undip continues to conduct needs-based research, so multi-disciplinary collaboration is needed.
“Today’s collaboration between Faculty of Engineering Undip, Faculty of Medicine Undip, Diponegoro National Hospital and existing stakeholders is a new chapter which lead us to produce commercialized research products. This is not only for Indonesia but also for the international market,” he said.
In the webinar, the Dean of Faculty of Medicine Undip, Prof. Dwi Pudjonarko, M.Kes, SpS(K), conveyed the subject of robotics in the world of neurology. Furthermore, Special Staff of the Minister of Health in field of Resilience of Medicine and Medical Device Industries, Prof. Laksono Trisnantoro, PhD, explained the regulations of Ministry of Health for robotics and medical devices. Secretary General of Gaskeslab, dr. Randy H. Teguh M.M, gave an explanation about the market needs of robotics and medical devices.
Then, Dr. Hari Peni Julianti, Mkes, SpKFR (K) from Faculty of Medicine Undip delivered material on Robotics in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. The next speaker, Dr. Rifky Ismail, ST MT as Director of the Center for Bimomechanics, Biomaterials, Biomechatronics and Biosignal Processing (CBIOM3S) UNDIP delivered material with the theme of Development and Innovation of Medical Robotics. (PR team)
Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)