
Inauguration of the Diponegoro University Monument on the Commemoration of the Youth Pledge Day

The Youth Pledge is a major milestone in the history of the Indonesian independence movement. The pledge affirmed the ideals of the founding of the Indonesian state. In commemoration of the 94th Youth Pledge Day, Diponegoro University held a flag ceremony at the Widya Puraya field, Undip Tembalang campus, Friday (28/10).

In his speech, the Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M. Hum. read the remarks of the Minister of Youth and Sports in commemoration of the 94th Youth Pledge Day, including about the strengthening of national resilience through the formation of noble character, development of competence and expertise, as well as constantly honing creativity and innovation is the main job that should not be ignored by Indonesian youth.

Prof. Yos added that with the youth oath, one is determined to become one Indonesia. How noble the founding fathers of the nation who have eliminated their respective egos to achieve the noble ideals of the nation.

“Likewise, Undip’s achievement is our collective achievement, hopefully Undip’s ranking will continue to increase. What must be done is let each of us feel that we belong to Undip by doing things that are beneficial to Undip and leaving those that are not. It is important for us to keep the governance at Undip running properly. This is what bridges the blessings of God as well as the door of fortune, and fortune comes to those who are diligent. Cultivate and implement a simple lifestyle with gratitude, hopefully greater blessings will come,” he explained.

Along with the commemoration of Youth Pledge Day this time, Undip inaugurated the Diponegoro University Monument as a form of respect and appreciation for the services of the founders of Diponegoro University.

“The founders of Undip are Meester Soedarto, Meester Dan Sulaiman, Meester Soesanto Kartoatmodjo, Meester Imam Bardjo, Meester Goenawan, Meester Tan Tjing Hak, Meester Koo Swan Ik, and Mr. Achmad Tjokrokusumo. The founders come from various ethnicities and religions. This shows that Undip For All is expected to be able to form intelligent people and respect their predecessors,” concluded the Rector. (Lin/Titis – Public Relations)

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