LPPM UNDIP Conducted Monitoring and Evaluation of Research and Community Service at Marine Science Techno Park (MSTP) Jepara

The 2020-2024 Undip Research and Innovation Strategic Plan establishes a leading research program that focuses on the development of coastal and tropical areas, with priority areas: development and empowerment of Indonesia’s local resources to increase food resilience and security, health status, sustainable energy and water availability.

To realize the mandate in the Strategic Plan, LPPM created a Marine Science Techno Park (MSTP) research and service assignment scheme. This research and service activity is specifically designed to encourage researchers to conduct research on the topic of developing coastal and tropical areas by taking research locations at MSTP.

In order for the program to run well, on Thursday, January 19, 2023 LPPM carried out monitoring and evaluation at the MSTP. In total there are 35 activities consisting of 27 research activities and 8 community service activities which are carried out by monitoring and evaluation. Head of LPPM Undip, Prof. Dr. Jamari, S.T., M.T., who directly led the activity said that Undip’s research themes were being directed to Undip’s Principal Scientific Pattern (PIP), namely Tropical and Coastal Region Eco-development or Ecological Development of Coastal and Tropical Regions. “To encourage research and service to lead to PIP, LPPM has created a special scheme whose research theme is in accordance with the PIP location at MSTP. This is the first step to attract new ideas from researchers to carry out research according to PIP,” said Prof. Jamari. “Currently monitoring and evaluation activities are being carried out at the MSTP so that researchers and community service participants are motivated to engage in activities at MSTP,” he continued.

Director of the Directorate of Science and Techno Park, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Widiasa, S.T., M.T., welcomed the activities conducted by LPPM as part of efforts to revive the Teluk Awur Undip Campus. “The Teluk Awur Campus is Undip’s main campus, so it is different from PSDKU, which has an area of 52 hectares. Currently and in the future there are 3 activities at the main campus of Teluk Awur: Education, Marine Science Techno Park which is a program by the ministry, and Areas for Commercial activities. In this area a hotel will be built and to attract tourists, snorkeling and diving tours will be offered. We also facilitate research activities. The existing official residence will be renovated to accommodate the researchers if they conduct research here,” said Prof. Nyoman.

Monitoring and evaluation activities were carried out in the first and second floor of the MSTP main building, and continued with a field review to see the existing facilities at MSTP that made it possible to carry out research and community service activities.

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