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UNDIP IDBU TEAM of Psychology, Environmental Engineering, and Eye Specialist Conduct a Psycho-Education on Environmental and Health

BATANG – The Science and Technology Team for Assisted Villages from Diponegoro University (UNDIP) Semarang held a psycho-educational training on environment and health for the Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) team of Kalisalak Village, Batang District, Batang Regency, at the Kalisalak Village Hall on Saturday (29/6/2024).

According to Prof. Dian Ratna Sawitri, Ph. D., Head of UNDIP’s Science and Technology for Assisted Villages Team (IDBU) and Dean of the Faculty of Psychology at UNDIP, this community education on environment and health is a multi-year and multidisciplinary program involving experts from psychology, environmental engineering, medicine and health.

In the first session, dr. Andhika Guna Dharma, Sp.M(K), FICS, along with the Ophthalmology Specialist Study Program team from the Faculty of Medicine at UNDIP, provided a presentation on the Prevention and Management of the Impact of Behavior and Environment on Eye Health. Various everyday issues related to eye health due to hygiene practices drew significant attention and became the main discussion topic.

In the next session, Prof. Mochamad Arief Budihardjo, S.T., M.Eng.Sc.; Env.Eng, Ph.D; Dr.Ling.; Ir. Sri Sumiyati, S.T., M.Si., IPM; and Prof. Dr. Ir. Badrus Zaman, S.T., M.T., IPM., ASEAN.Eng from the Department of Environmental Engineering, along with their support team, conducted psycho-education and training on making ecoprint batik bags. Ecoprint is a contemporary textile dyeing technique using natural materials, including flowers, stems, leaves, and roots, which do not produce harmful waste to the environment. The environmental psycho-education team guided the PKK team through the steps:

  • Spreading the fabric on a table,
  • Applying desired leaves,
  • Hammering the fabric until the leaf colors transfer,
  • Gently removing the leaves,
  • Drying the fabric,
  • Soaking the fabric in alum water,
  • Drying the fabric again.

The 2024 IDBU community service activity was officially opened by the Batang District Head, Luksono Pramudito, S.STP, M.M., who welcomed the event. “This activity is the third-year environmental education intervention, and it is hoped further to strengthen the relationship between the Faculty of Psychology, the Department of Environmental Engineering, the Ophthalmology Specialist Study Program of the Faculty of Medicine at UNDIP, and the PKK Team of Kalisalak Village,” he said.

On this occasion, the Head of Kalisalak Village, Sucipto Sapto Atmojo, and the Chairperson of the PKK of Kalisalak Village expressed their enthusiasm for the PKK team to participate in community service programs conducted by Diponegoro University. The Chairperson of the PKK and the village officials who attended also supported the program to increase knowledge and promote health and environmentally friendly behavior.

The UNDIP IDBU Team hopes that this environmental education intervention for the PKK team will not only provide immediate knowledge and skills but also shape long-term attitudes and behaviors that are beneficial and can be passed on to family members and other community members. (UNDIP Psychology IDBU Team)

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