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The Series of Inauguration of 21 UNDIP Professors is Completed, the Rector Stated that Professors are Protected Assets

SEMARANG – The series of inauguration of 21 professors at Diponegoro University (UNDIP) which begin on May 25th 2021, with implementing strict health protocols is finally completed. In the speech delivered at the 7th Session of the inauguration events, Undip Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. stated that professors are important assets that must be maintained.

The existence of professors is not only important for higher education institutions, but also important for the nation, state and mankind because of their roles in sharing knowledge. “That’s why we are always careful and really take care of the safety and health of professors,” said Prof. Yos Johan Utama, when closing the series of inauguration of 21 professors in the Open Session of Academic Senate at Prof. Soedarto SH Building, Tembalang, Semarang City, on Thursday (10/6/2021).

This is also a consideration of Undip in making decision whether to hold Face-to-Face class in full time, Online class or in a Hybrid way (a combination of online and offline classes) which will start in July 2021. The rise of Covid-19 cases is one of the things that must be considered.

On his remarks, Prof. Yos also conveyed the news that many victims of Covid-19 were friends from Syiah Kuala University in Aceh, there were 250 lecturers affected by Covid-19 and eight people died where one of them was a professor. “Maybe when in campus we can apply health protocols, but on the contrary when we are in boarding houses or restaurants it seems like there is no Covid-19. So this is a consideration and we don’t want to lose our friends,” he explained.

Quoting Umar Bin Khotob RA, Prof. Yos said that people who have knowledge are more important than people who always do fasting, praying and jihad. If a knowledgeable person died, there will be a void in Islam that cannot be filled by the successor, except they are knowledgeable persons. “In the inauguration of professors, we give them certificates. This is a mandate, we ask that the wife or husband and family of the professors take care of them because professors are extraordinary assets.”

Prof. Yos also reminded again that the position of a professor is the highest rank in the academic world. But he emphasized the true meaning of a great teacher is not from the title but from the good works which bring benefit to mankind and the universe.

People who have knowledge, said the Professor of State Administrative Law, the form of attitude of knowledgeable people can be divided into three stages. At first the knowledgeable people are usually arrogant, in the second stage they will be humble, and in the third stage the knowledgeable people feel that they are nothing. Therefore, he advised the professors to not only strive for scientific achievement, but also mental maturity. “High flying hours, maturity and integrity both as educators and human beings are important to be maintained.”

“It is appropriate for professors to be more mature and to have caring spirit for mankind and the universe. Be brave to say the right and wrong facts based on honesty and integrity,” said Prof Yos.

He also reminded that one’s achievements are not purely from one’s own efforts. There are other people and the environment that supports the achievements. “There is no blessings of Allah without the blessings of parents,” he said.

Before the event was closed, the Chair of Undip Academic Senate, Prof. Ir. Edy Rianto, M.Sc. Ph.D said his gratitude to the committees who have worked very hard in preparing this event from beginning to end of the inauguration ceremony of 21 professors at Undip.

“I also thank the audience, I am sorry if there is something that is less pleasing. With gratitude, thank God, today’s inauguration ceremony of three great teachers by the name of Prof. Drs. Sapto Purnomo Putro, M.Sc., Ph.D (Faculty of Science and Mathematics), Prof. Dr.dr. Dwi Pudjonarko, M.Kes., Sp.S (Faculty of Medicine) and Prof. Dr. Drs. Mochammad Chabachib, M.Sc., Akt. (Faculty of Economics and Business) is officially closed,” concluded Prof. Edi. (PR team)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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