Open Selection for JPT Pratama Ministry of PPN/Bappenas Phase II of 2023
In the context of filling Middle and Primary High Leadership Positions (JPT) within the Ministry

UKM READY UNDIP Held Tabligh Akbar Themed Hum of Missing the Prophet Bringing Civilization with Ukhrowi Morals
To increase faith in Allah SWT and love for Prophet Muhammad SAW, UKM Rebana Diponegoro

Faculty of Economics and Business UNDIP Opens an Innovative Digital Business Study Program!
Semarang, June 14, 2023 – Information technology advances have changed how we work, shop, communicate,

UNDIP Delegation Participated in The 9th International Workshop on UI Greenmetric World University Rankings: “Innovation, Impacts and Future Direction of Sustainable Universities” at the University of Minho, Portugal
The 9th International Workshop on UI Greenmetric World University Rankings: “Innovation, Impacts and Future Direction

As the Indonesian National Coordinator, UNDIP delivered its 2023 Annual Report at the 7th Steering Committee Meeting UI GreenMetric WUR Network at the University of Minho, Portugal.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, MSc., Vice Rector for Research, Innovation, and Cooperation at Diponegoro University,

UNDIP and ACIAR Establish Collaboration “IndoDairy Project Phase 2: Sustainable Smallholder Dairy Sector” to Increase Milk Production in Indonesia
To achieve Indonesia’s target of meeting 60% of national milk needs by 2025, Diponegoro University

Discussing New Collaboration, the Faculty of Engineering UNDIP Received a Visit from Curtin University
Wednesday, 14 June 2023, the Faculty of Engineering Undip received a visit from Curtin University.

Undip and DJPPR Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Held SDGs Talks Goes to Semarang: Financing the SDGs’ Decade of Actions
Diponegoro University SDGs Center (Undip), in collaboration with the DJPPR Ministry of Finance of the

UNDIP Launched Software for Automatic CT Scan Image Quality Analysis, First in Indonesia
The Physics Department of Diponegoro University launched the flagship research product IndoQCT software which took

The UNDIP Softball Team Won 1st Place at the 2023 UGM Softball Cup
The Diponegoro University (Undip) Softball Team won 1st place in the 2023 UGM Softball Cup

UNDIP Held Socialization of Cyber Security
The Communication and Business Bureau of Diponegoro University held the 2023 Socialization of Cyber Security,

Introduction of Biopore Environmentally Friendly Technology at Diponegoro University Vocational School to Support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) #15
Semarang [09-06-2023]- The Community Service Team of the Diponegoro University (Undip) Vocational School visited the